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14 January 2025: Our first public meeting

On 14 January we held our first public meeting at Harden Congregational Church. Thank you to the 50+ people who attended! It was amazing to see so many of you.

We heard from local residents about why they think the community purchase would be a good idea, and some people raised some concerns they had. We heard from someone who has been involved in a similar project near Otley a couple of years ago who shared their experience, and another person who works with an organisation who would potentially be able to support us with the purchase. Full notes from the meeting are available here.

If you did not give us your details at the meeting and wish to be kept up to date with news about the project, or if you would like to get involved, please fill out our contact details form. 

Our next step is to identify people who are interested to become members of a project team to move the project forward (more details are described at the bottom of the meeting notes page). If you would be interested in being a member of this team, please let us know using this form by the end of January.

Goit Stock Falls in January 2025 after a week of sub-zero temperatures!