About Goit Stock

Goit Stock Wood is an area of woodland surrounding Hallas Beck, located between the villages of Harden, Wilsden and Cullingworth in West Yorkshire (UK).

It is an area popular with walkers and local residents and is famous locally for the Goit Stock Waterfall, which is quite spectacular, particularly after heavy rainfall or in the winter after a day or two of freezing temperatures.

The woodland is currently privately owned, although the owners have recently put the woodland up for sale.

We would like to investigate a community purchase of the woodland to ensure that it is maintained for the benefit of everyone in perpetuity. Read more about our vision.

Visiting Goit Stock Wood

The wood is open to the public on foot only, via a series of public footpaths across the site which can be seen on an Ordnance Survey map or OpenStreetMap.

Please note that there is no public parking in the wood or at the Harden Park Homes site. The nearest parking is at the Malt Shovel pub (customers only) or the on-street parking bays on Wilsden Road in Harden. Do not drive down Goit Stock Lane as there is nowhere to turn around and you will get stuck!

It is around 1.6 km / 1 mile from Wilsden Road to the waterfall, and will take about 30 minutes each way to walk. The path is uneven and slippery in places and you will need good footwear; take care.

The water is not suitable for swimming. Do not, under any circumstances, jump in or attempt to enter the water. The waterfalls are incredibly dangerous and people have sadly been drowned and killed after getting trapped in the water, most recently in 2021.

If you visit, please respect the wood. Take only photographs and leave only footprints! Please take all litter and dog waste home with you, or use the litter bins provided by the council on Goit Stock Lane or Wilsden Road.

The footpath next to the beck in Goit Stock Wood. The foodpath is rocky and uneven in places.
A warning sign in Goit Stock Wood about the danger posed by the waterfall. It says "No swimming; Dangerous currents; This waterfall will trap and drown a victim".