Thank you for your interest in donating to Friends of Goit Stock Wood.
Important information
At present we are working to set up a Registered Charity and do the other admin necessary to move the project forward and study the viability of the community purchase of Goit Stock Wood. This does incur some cost, and therefore we would be grateful for any small contributions towards these costs, which you can make below.
We are not yet ready to receive donations to support the purchase of the wood itself. However, we would really value pledges to show the level of interest in supporting the project. This is simply an expression of your interest in donating in future, once we have established the Registered Charity.
Pledge to make a donation in the future
Please use this form to make a pledge. We will contact you once we are in a position to collect the money and you will be able to make an official donation at that point. Making a pledge is not binding, you can change your mind before making the donation.
Contribute to our charity start up costs
Click here to make a contribution by bank transfer using your online banking app (this uses a service called Payit provided by NatWest Bank, but you don't need to be a NatWest customer).
Click here to make a contribution by debit/credit card (powered securely by Square - no account needed)
Please note: this is a personal payment to our Treasurer who will hold the funds in a separate account and only use them for the purposes of the project. As soon as we become a registered charity, any funds not spent on setup costs will be transferred into the charity. Should the project not be able to proceed for any reason, we will pass any surplus funds to one or more woodland/river/nature charities working in the local area. As we are not yet a registered charity, these contributions are not eligible for Gift Aid. For any questions, please contact us.